Tamaneko's ramblings about food, games and hobbies

Intro Post

Once again I have re-made my blog subdomain.

I've always had issues deciding whether or not my blog should be split into several micro-blogs, or just simply place everything into a generic mush. Then I spend a considerable amount of time just deciding on the layout and formatting. By then I get bogged down with other hobbies that I have - whether it be gaming, recording for covers on Youtube, doodling designs or just doing readings for classes. My interests always seem to peak in cycles yet I never truly drop them.

One thing I've always wanted to do is log my experiences at restaurants and other places. It may take a little time to ease into a format that I want to use, but it's better to start somewhere and let the ball roll.


Written on 10th Sep, 2015

Uncaught Exception

Uncaught Exception

Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated


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#0 [internal function]: System\Error::shutdown()
#1 {main}